
Help and Be Part of the Story




We run the Coddenham Centre as a business, committed to self-sustainability. We are nonetheless a charity, our Trustees are volunteers, along with a cohort of supporters who all give their time freely.

We welcome contributions of help or funding. These can be a small donation through our secure postbox or something more substantial, by cheque or bank transfer.

We would like to publicly acknowledge contributions or you may prefer to remain anonymous. All details remain confidential unless you permit otherwise.

Since 2020, we have raised £180,000 in support, of which 65% has gone to adding value (and efficiency) to this important Community asset. We are also committed to supporting making ‘Suffolk, the Greenest County’ and carbon neutrality by 2030.

From a few pounds for parking to major constructions, helping an event, donating your skills or wielding a paint brush, we have a range of exciting projects regularly updated and open to your support.

Here are just some of them as of 2023.

Achieve at least 90% of our electricity by solar means – £60K of which 50% is secured and we hope the balance to be confirmed this month by Valencia Communities Fund. Apart from the environmental imperative, there is an economic objective as our existing fixed tariff comes to an end in March 23..

Replacement of all lighting with LED and proximity switches.

Wherever our energy comes from, we want to be economical with its use. We have an estimate of £6,700 in total to include automated switching. If no one is at home, the lights go off!

Completion of a new dedicated Meeting Room

Despite the comparative sophistication of our building, no dedicated meeting room exists. With volunteer help and the use of reserves, we almost completed a dedicated room by converting existing space. Its purpose is to release capacity in the main hall, which is often taken up unnecessarily by small classes or groups. The new room will release space and offer greater flexibility. We have so far drawn £6K from reserves. The work is intrinsically linked to;

New Storage Wing

Again, somewhat incredibly, there were no dedicated storage areas in the construction of the Centre. We have secured planning permission for an extension to the rear of the building, to store equipment and furniture. This immediately releases existing occupied areas, ensures further flexibility and scope for additional activities. We have a commitment of volunteers to provide labour, but expect materials and building control to cost in the region of £6500.

We suggest a sponsor might have the meeting room named after them or in the memory of, for circa £12K, thus enabling completion/funding of both projects.

The Bowling Green

The repurposing of the bowling green and surrounding area to include a performance area and greater variety of activities, was estimated in 2021 to be at the top end of £200K.  This is a longer term project.

Decorating the Main Hall

Decoration of the main hall is required within the next three years.

Tennis Coaching

Tennis  and Badminton Coaching, particularly for junior players. In fact, we welcome interest from all sports professionals to offer classes.


Further Information

If you would like further information, make a donation or partner with us, please contact, the Chair or Treasurer. We thank everyone for their support, some of whom are listed under our Supporters Page


Andrew MacPherson - the Chairman

Ray Collins - Treasurer

Alternatively, click on the enquiry link at the head of the page.



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