Testimonials & Feedback

Comments & Compliments



Comments & Compliments

Here are just a few of the comments and compliments received.

Your feedback is welcome, even if it helps us to do better.
Please call 07720 206532 or email  enquiries@thecoddenhamcentre.co.uk

Everyone had a fantastic time on Saturday. I’m so glad it all went well. I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your service and also the hall and facilities itself.

Obviously booking a hall I hadn’t seen in person and not knowing the area at all I was a little bit nervous. But I couldn’t fault anything. Everything, from the hall, to the toilets, to the kitchen, was clean and well kept. The ease of use of the tables and chairs was fantastic and made it a lot easier to put everything away.

 Thank you so much. I will be recommending your venue and I hope some of the ladies will pass on the recommendation too.


To all the people who have made the centre a more viable asset to the village well done. Very difficult times but very encouraging start let’s hope for less challenging times ahead.

For the future a couple of boules courts might go down well. Could use part of the under used bowls green. Food for thought Kind Regards

David R

Congratulations to the organisers and stall holders involved in the Bric-a-Brac table top sale. It was an opportunity for the village and its neighbours to meet for the first time since lockdown as well as offering some bargains on one side and income on the other.

Also welcome were the charities that took part. I hope they found the event useful and profitable.

We have missed social gatherings this summer so let us hope more of this kind will be possible in future.

John P

Post a Review!

If you have visited the centre, used our facilities, or taken part in one of our events, please feel free review us on Google. We like to know how we are doing!

I really enjoyed the course and found that Jane was an excellent teacher whose positive and through approach made the lessons a pleasure, despite very challenging weather!

It was also helpful to be able to try out different poles and to receive advice and guidance about a potential purchase.

The recreation ground in Coddenham seemed an ideal venue and parking and access to the community centre were also very helpful on the occasions where this was possible.

Best wishes to you and Jane

Melanie B

Many thanks again for allowing Suffolk Ambulance & Response Services to come along to the Table Top Sale again on Sunday.

We made £99.00 on the day, which was not as good as last time, but we talked to a lot of people and hopefully heightened awareness of our medical emergency charity.

I considered it very well worth doing, so thanks for another well organised day.



Having parcipitated in the Nordic Walking Course at the Coddenham centre, on behalf of my partner and I, we would like to comment on how well we thought this course was run in these difficult times. Our instructor, Jane, managed to make us all feel welcome and was a superb teacher. The gentle exercises that started us off certainly helped the less fit to get warmed up and being supplied with the correct size poles certainly helped. Once we got going her enthusiasm and patience were appreciated by all but her skill at putting across the technique was laudable.

We all felt, no matter our fitness or skill level, that Jane was able to instruct us personally and it made this both an enjoyable and interesting introduction to Nordic Walking. As we progressed through the course her positive attitude and upbeat approach made each week something to look forward to and I noticed that all her pupils have now signed up for the weekly walks that she leads which speaks for itself!

With thanks for all the work that is being done at The Coddenham Centre.


Richard B

We just wanted to say a massive thank you for standing by us in these uncertain times and for hiring the hall to us. The hall looked lovely and we appreciate all your hardwork and support.

Thank you for the card and we will always remember your kindness for our wedding reception.

Asif and Hana

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